No doubt every Massage Therapists has run across a client with Scoliosis. What if you could actually develop a niche practice and market to them and help them, or possibly co treat with other professionals on cases.
In this course we will be looking at the Initial Physical Assessment in order to establish a baseline to work from and monitor goal progression. We will also look at the Biomechanics of posture and curves as well as Scoliosis. There is also included BONUS video footage from Dr Hawley.
These are NCBTMB approved for a total of 4 CEs
"I have taken many courses in my career but I really like how Dr Hawley makes things applicable to what I am doing and why I am doing it"
Lauren S LMT
"Love this course, I have several clients that have Scoliosis and now I have some new tools in my bucket to help them"
"I just finished the course and am now creating flyers to distribute to the local Chiropractors and Physical Therapists in my area announcing that I am now taking Scoliosis clients and am planning on co treating with them...great course and great price for the opportunity if you know how to market it. "
Susan P LMT